Brant Jones - will be leading this fun-packed meeting.
Our August Club meeting
will be on Wednesday August 21st at 7:00. THEME: Bring your best stuff. This will be a Show and Tell meeting, not an auction meeting. Brant Jones will be leading this fun-packed meeting. Please bring your best metal detecting finds to show to your fellow members.
Meeting begins at 7:00, at the Pickle Lounge in Hartford City, though many show up at 6:00 or earlier to visit or eat. Call in for ordering your food for a certain time: 765-347-8016.
Our August Club meeting
will be on Wednesday August 21st at 7:00. THEME: Bring your best stuff. This will be a Show and Tell meeting, not an auction meeting. Brant Jones will be leading this fun-packed meeting. Please bring your best metal detecting finds to show to your fellow members.
Meeting begins at 7:00, at the Pickle Lounge in Hartford City, though many show up at 6:00 or earlier to visit or eat. Call in for ordering your food for a certain time: 765-347-8016.